For those of you who've come before, I know exactly why you're coming back. For those of you who've been part of our team for awhile and haven't been able to make it to conference - it's never to late to start. For those of you who are inactive and don't think that you should come to conference, I encourage you to rethink - conference is a great motivator and might be just what you need to start the ball rolling again. For those of you who are new to PartyLite.... I can't think of a better way to start your business.
(For those of you who aren't Rainbows, don't fret - there's lots of good information in this post that might help you make the decision to go.)
Kudos to you all for considering this investment in YOU. Now... let's get you some valuable information.
Conference Registration RAINBOW EARLY BIRD OFFER
Conference registrations are open, and I’d like you to make the commitment now. So here is my offer. Every Rainbow who registers for conference before the close of business on Thursday, April 22nd will get a fantastic early bird present when you attend conference. If you register after April 22nd, you won’t get the early bird present. New consultants who start after today will have 2 weeks from their start date to register, and, if they do, they will qualify for my early bird gift, too. EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS THURSDAY – 22/4/2010.
Conference Registration RAINBOW OFFER
I will give all Rainbows who register for conference a pack of the new catalogues once they are released (value $27.50). REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 30, 2010 (or earlier, if capacity is reached).
If you need to cancel your registration (which you must do in writing before the close of business on Wednesday June 30, 2010) you will still receive the pack of new catalogues. (This means it really only costs you $22.50 to reserve your conference seat.)
Conference Accommodation ROOMMATE PLANS
Part of the reason we need to register now is so that we can organise our rooms and our roommates at the Royal Pines Resort. I will be happy to assist all Rainbows in organising a roommate. Rooms are discounted to $170 per night for conference attendees, so the cost per person for 3 nights is $255. I do not recommend sharing 3 to a room, because the third person gets a trundle bed and the trundle bed costs an additional $45 per night. It is available, but I think 2 per room is more comfortable.
Conference AIR TRAVEL
Conference Registration opens at 1:00 on the Thursday afternoon and the conference starts at 3:00. Airport arrivals after 1:00 pm are not recommended. The gala dinner on Saturday ends after 11:00 and it is usually a late night, so plan your flights out according to your sleeping requirements. I won’t leave until about 2:00 – no rushing for me.
You should definitely share taxis getting to and from the Resort. You won’t need a car.
Conference FOOD

Conference SHOP
You are under no obligation to participate in conference shop, but there are usually some great bargains to be had – exclusive to conference attendees. I buy door prize items and small host gifts. You can also do personal shopping, gift purchases, and stock up on wax (usually discontinued fragrances). Extra credit if you can get a picture of Sandra, Nicole, and me sneaking down to conference shop in our pyjamas at 6 in the morning to avoid the crowds.
OK – I hope I’ve given you lots of reasons to ask more questions, get planning, and get your registration in! You will absolutely LOVE conference. Once you go, it’ll be something you’ll tell other people they shouldn’t miss. I promise.
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