One of the things that has changed for me since I started selling PartyLite is that I've become proud of myself, my business, and my lifestyle. I'll admit, at first I was a little bit (or maybe a lot) embarrassed to tell people about what I do. I certainly didn't bring it up in conversations when I met new people. At shows, I'd make sure the guests knew it was a part time thing I did on the side of my real job. I'd even downplay the reason why I started. "Oh, I just thought I'd give it a go."
What a horrible way to start.
Imagine if I'd decided to start for all the right reasons and been proud of that decision from the start. Imagine if I had the power, the strength, and the confidence to say, "I've just started a PartyLite candle business and I'm excited to share it with you." Imagine if I had read more books about how a network marketing business works and how I could make it successful. Imagine what the power of pride would have given my business from the start.
Be proud of what you do. Part time or full time, this little business you have is filled with women (and a few men) who love candles, who enjoy sharing how people can have the most beautiful homes, and who actually make money out of party plan whether they do one show a month or ten.
I'm proud of this business of mine. The day that happened, everything changed.
Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog: www.profitablepartyplan.com
Hi Wendy, great to meet you at Summit over the weekend. As I said to you, I love to read your blog every day,your words are very inspiring, and I find myself trying to raise the bar that little bit more each day. Take care Kerry