About WLC

Hi. I'm Wendy. Since June 2005, I've been an Independent PartyLite Consultant: a "candle lady." In 2007, I was promoted to a leadership position in PartyLite and about a year later, I decided that PartyLite held such great opportunities for me that I dedicated myself to growing my PartyLite business.

My life changed.

Today, I am a District Leader at PartyLite and I work at my business about 30-40 hours a week. My monthly personal goals are to hold 10-12 shows and to personally meet with 6-8 potential new consultants. My business goals are to meet, coach, and develop new leaders in my team. I want to give other people the amazing life I've got.

What else do I do? I sing and play guitar, I write, I read, I walk, I play with my dog, I eat out, I spend time with my husband and my friends, I travel/vacation 4-5 times a year, I train other consultants, I help consultants set and achieve their personal goals, I call clients, I talk to my parents and my brother, I see live music, I watch MasterChef. :) That's a pretty good life.

This blog is simply my way of capturing all of the information I share with my team of consultants. So often I'll get asked a question on the phone, in a weekly personal coaching session, in an email, or in person where the answer is something that all consultants should know. So I write it here.

I hope you find the blog useful to your PartyLite business. And if you don't have a PartyLite business yet, what do you have to lose? Give it a go. Contact your consultant and ask her to take you out for a coffee. If you don't have a consultant.... call me. :)

Updated April 2016