Our PartyLite year is almost over. Was it a good one for you? Did you accomplish everything that you wanted to? Have you added it all up and taken stock of what you did accomplish? If you're striving for more, never forget to celebrate the victories you've had so far in your journey. They will help push you through tougher times when they occur.
One thing I absolutely love about working for myself is that I do not have to give or receive an employee review. It was one of the elements I hated most about the corporate world. I like immediate feedback and immediate corrections.
That said, I do see the benefit of a periodic look over time. A retrospective course check. Am I headed in the right direction? Am I achieving the goals I set out to achieve? Am I performing to my expectations, below them, or above them?
We start New Consultant Training with a look at your personal vision and goals. It's sometimes hard for a new consultant to do, because she doesn't yet know the potential of her business. But once you understand what is possible, you may start to increase your boldness in setting goals. I certainly did.
I revisit my goals when I need to; usually after I've accomplished a lot of what I had set out to do. This month represents an amazing crescendo of completion for me. On the 30th of March 2009, I made a vision board for my goals. It's been above my desk since I created it (see picture). Here is what the pictures represent:
- Wen & Bendy (music): Get more gigs and play
- Home: Replace the windows in my sunroom
- Home: Add a deck
- Home: Upgrade the outdoor bathroom
- Home: Upgrade the outdoor laundry
- Home: Get a jacuzzi
- Home: Buy a new car
- Travel: Ski Copper Mountain in Colorado
- Travel: Take Alan (let Alan take me) sailing off the northern Queensland coast
Before the end of 2010, I will have accomplished all but the last of these goals. I will carryover the sailing to my next vision board and start again. I know a few other things I'll be including:
- Travel: Take a trip to Spain and Italy in 2012
- Home: Refurnish and decorate the house
- Home: Complete the garden
- Work: Promote two leaders before Conference 2011
- Music: Be an important part of an amazing original band
I'll give it a lot of thought over the next few weeks and share the updated vision board with you.
My candle business is enabling me to achieve all of these goals. I use the goals everyday to motivate me to make the calls, to invite others to come on the ride, and to help the Rainbows to succeed.
Now is the time to take a look at your vision and goals for the next year or two. Will your candle business enable you to achieve your goals? Only if you let it....
ANNOUNCEMENT: At 7:30 on January 12th we will have a great Unit Meeting. I've asked Rebecca Wells, a business and life coach (among other things) to join us for some fantastic training on visions and goal setting. She is wonderful. I have room for about 30 people in my house, so if you're in Sydney on the 12th and want to come, please pop me an email. Rainbows will take top priority, but I'm sure we'll have room!
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