Do you know anyone who might be interested in earning some extra money with no cash outlay, no boss, no deliveries, no cold calls, no inventory, and free training?

OK, you have 14 days to go before the awesome $1000 Starter Kit goes away forever! How about making up some flyers and passing them out to people tomorrow to let them know about this last chance offer. How about calling each of your hosts and letting them know aboutthe $1000 Starter Kit available in March only? How about contacting people who you thought were interesting and letting them know about the $1000 Starter Kit. How about calling 5 people a day and asking them if they know anyone who would be interested in earning some extra money with no cash outlay, no boss, no deliveries, no cold calls, no inventory, and free training? What other ideas do you have to get people interested in this amazing Starter Kit and this amazing business?
If you were in charge of your own company (and you are) and if you had a $1000 Starter Kit available (and you do) plus a free Essentials Hurricane for the $550 show with 2+ bookings (which you have) and 14 days to attract a person to this business, organise a Starter Show, and make it happen - could you do it????
Of course you could!
What ideas do you have? What are you doing to excite your clients about this offer? Please share your ideas by commenting here!
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