Friday, January 30, 2009
An Invitation with a Difference
A Great Icebreaker!
Have a prize wrapped up. Hand it to the hostess. Now read this poem and watch your guests go crazy!
- You thought all the gifts were meant for you. But I have other items too. So hold up this gift and look around, and give it to the one with eyes of brown.
- You think you are the lucky one, but let us all share in the fun! Look around with eyes discreet, and give it to the one with the smallest feet.
- Your feet are tiny and very small. Now hand it to someone very tall.
- Please, take your time and don't be harried. Give it to the one who is longest married.
- You must be proud of your married life, now pass this on to the newest wife.
- Of this parcel you are bereft, give it to the one on your left.
- The largest earring I'm looking for now, if you're wearing them, step up with a bow.
- Now to the person with buttons-- big or small, any kind, the most you can find gets the gift at this time.
- Now don't get cross and please don't fight, but pass it to the lady third on the right.
- We should stop now, don't you agree? The gift is yours to open and see.
Mystery Island Game
MYSTERY ISLAND - Party plan game shared by the fantastic Lorelei, Independent PartyLite Consultant, Australia.
Give everyone a piece of paper, and tell your guests to close their eyes and imagine that they are on a Hawaiian Island.
Read this out:
- First, draw an island in the middle of your paper.
- Then to the left of your island, draw a ship.
- Your island is surrounded by water, so please put some fish in the sea.
- This is Hawaii, so put a palm tree on the island.
- Its a nice day, so put some birds in the air.
- That ship didn't get there by itself, so put a sailor in the ship.
- He might get hungary, so draw some coconuts on the palm tree.
- Sailors like to see where they are going, so put some portholes on the ship.
- Sailors like entertainment, so draw a hula dancer on the island.
- Its a sunny day, so put the sun in the sky.
- Now open your eyes and how does it look?
Give points as follows:
- If your island is in the middle - 10pts
- If your ship is to the left of the island, but not touching - 10pts
- If you have more than two fish - 15pts
- If the base of the palm tree is on the island - 20 pts
- If you have more than two birds in the air - 20 pts
- If your sailor is on the ship, not swimming - 20 pts
- If there are any coconuts on the tree - 15pts
- If your portholes are on the ship - 20 pts
- If your hula dancer is on the island and not touching water - 20 pts
- If the sun is to the left - 20 pts
- If the sun is to the right - 15pts
- If your sun is in the middle - 10pts
Would You Like To Play A Game?
Guests receive one point for each answer, the one with the lowest score wins a prize. This is a great game! You can add or modify questions as you like.
- Locked yourself out of the house?
- Lost a member of the family while out shopping?
- Put something unusual in the fridge?
- Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?
- Gone away from your home and left the iron on?
- Put your heel through the hem of a dress?
- Had your zip break in public?
- Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?
- Remembered an appointment after it was too late?
- Called a member of the family by another name?
- Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?
- Fallen up the stairs?
- Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?
- Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?
- Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called? (Or pressed "Redial" and called someone you didn't mean to call?)
- Locked the keys in your car?
- Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?
- Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fabulous Hostess Specials Remain The Same!
There has been no change to the hostess programme. The hostess is NOT required to have a booking to receive the 20% hostess credit. Additionally, though it is not explained on page 4, any shows/orders that are between $150.00 and $399.95 will receive 15% product credit.
So there is no change. Yay!!!! WLC.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Do You Need a Mentor?
- What are your goals?
- Are you on track to achieve your goals?
- What do you need to do/are you doing to reach your goals?
How to get 2009 products... cheap!
- Sponsor someone and get $300 in gift certificates when they qualify in their first business month.
- Magic Tealight - If you have earned one, host a $550 show of your own before January 31 (by COB on Friday the 30th), select the Magic Tealight promotion pack of your choice, and take the product credit in gift certificates. Use those gift certificates on new product in February.
- Host a show of your own on February 1 and use the product credit (30%!) for new product.
- Purchase host specials at 50% off or other products at 40% off using a consultant order.
- Come to the Plan to Shine training and you’ll get one new item. RSVPs have closed.
- Come to the Unit Meeting next Wednesday (28/1/09) and you might win a new item in the raffle!
My best advise... become a leader! We get free product at every launch and we were given access to the new items in January. Join me!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Make it Duplicatable
I learned quite a bit at the PartyLite Australia Leader Summit earlier this month. That point was probably one of the most important ones for me.
It got me to thinking about what I do everyday and whether I'm a good role model for that. I think I am, with one possible exception: this website.
I hope no one out there thinks that this blog is a requirement for a leader. It's not. I think it's actually therapy for me. I don't know how many people read it. I'm highly computer literate because I come from that background, so it's actually very simple for me to keep it up. It's also free.
I also love to write. So I hope you'll indulge me and not be intimidated by this blog. It's simply my way of getting what's in me... out. When you become a leader, you can do this, or write a newsletter, or make that call. You will communicate with your team the way you feel comfortable. That's the way it should be.
FYI, as a leader, I'm mostly a Consultant. All I have to do that is different is hold Unit Meetings and support Unit members when they need it. I really enjoy doing both of those.
Mary Christensen writes a fortnightly email called the Monday Mentor. I have subscribed and I must say that I like it. Interestingly, Mary supported this "Make it Duplicatable" idea in this week's email.
"You cannot expect people to do what you are not doing, so make sure all your efforts are duplicable."This is the key to sponsoring and to leadership. Make everything you do as an Independent PartyLite Consultant duplicatable. If you can do it, your guests can too. And your hosts.
PartyLite has given us a system that works. Great Products, Excellent Customer Service, Amazing Monthly Specials, a Hostess Program that is Second to None, Strong Consultant Support, Amazing Online Tools, Incredible Sales Incentives, Ongoing Training, an Excellent Profit Plan, and Unlimited Potential. All duplicatable for everyone you sponsor!
Until next time!
Friday, January 16, 2009
The Consultant Locator Does Work!
- Opt In for the Ooline Consultant Locator on the CBC
- Bonus
PartyLite in Cooma
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hi. Procrastination is something we candle consultants simply have to manage. Because we're our own boss and because we set our own hours, we tend to do other things before we do our business.
Let's face it, procrastination is bad for business.
Here are some ideas to help you reverse the inertia of procrastination .
Set up specific time to work. Just like you would if you worked for someone else. It could be 15 minutes a day, but if you call two clients at, for example, 1:00 on weekdays (right before lunch), you'll develop a habit.
Make a weekly to do list. Do the hardest job first.
Find a buddy and challenge each other. It always helps to have someone to report your results to. (Live by example, Wendy, what are you going to do? OK, I'm going to call a Rainbow after I post this article and challenge her to get a new January booking today. I'll do the same. If she beats me to it, I'll give her a prize.)
Set up your 2009 calendar. Put your Unit Meetings in, put the company training dates in (you have registered for our Plan to Shine training on January 31, right?), put your birthday in, put your family's birthdays in, put in the Hawaii dates (read the brochure, you CAN do it!), put in school holidays (even if you don't have kids, your clients will want to know), and liberally cross out days you don't want to work. Then fill up the rest with your work time.Don't have any shows in your diary? Call everyone who came to your November shows, ask them if they had a great New Year and let them know about the following:
- We have some great guest specials available only in January.
- We have a limited edition Baby Gold Elephant available only in January.
- They can buy candles and accessories only in January 2009 at 2008 prices! (NOTE: The Savannah is not going away, it's changing. They can buy each one separately or the pair, but either way, it's increasing in price. Buy only in January and save!)
- We are retiring some great products and fragrances in January, so they need to buy them only in January.
- They can either book a show or order from you over the phone.
Not everyone is a procrastinator, I got this in an email form fellow Rainbow, Judy Axiak:
What a great start to the year for me $1800.00 worth of sales for only three
parties so I’m eligible to the consultant’s early bird sales promo. Yippee!
So plan your 2009, but don't just make a plan, make that call! You'll change your inertia and build your business! Guaranteed!