Easy as!
Customer Appreciation Events/2009 Product Launches
Sydney – Tuesday 24th February
Wollongong – Thursday 26th February
ACT – Monday 2nd March
Cooma – Wednesday 4th March - STOP PRESS! Changed to Saturday the 7th of March
If you log in to the CBC, you'll see that we can purchase beautiful postcard invitations (see image) for our upcoming Customer Appreciation Events. We've asked for these invitations for two years now, so I hope you'll buy a couple of packs. I bought 100 postcards. I'll invite lots of clients by email and tell them to reply to get their official invitation. Then I'll post the invitations to people. I think I might number mine and do a draw for something nice. Just an idea.
Reflections - We Rock!
I'd like to extend my biggest congratulations yet. The Rainbows Unit was number 1 in the entire country in November. The entire country! We had a bumper December, too. I hope the money helped make your Christmas a great one.
January Sales and Promotions
I started Making That Call! two nights ago. From 7:30 to 8:30 I go into my office, close the door, and call my clients. I wish them a happy new year and ask them if they received my package (if I sent them one) or the latest email. If they have, I say good and ask them if they have any questions. I remind them that the Gold Baby Elephant is only available in January and that it comes with a dozen tealights. I hint that even if they don't like it themselves, that it will make a great gift and will benefit the CHFA. One of my $550 shows came from these calls.
Find a Consultant
I got an email from someone who found me on the Find a Consultant page. She and I had a coffee yesterday and she placed an order. She is very likely to host a show in February and even asked some questions about Consulting.... It works! That's great incentive to register and bonus!
It's all about YOU!
My motto for 2009 is "Make a part of each day ALL ABOUT YOU!" Candles help me do that. I hope they do that for you, too!
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