Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28 - My How Time Flies!

Oh my goodness, there is so much to say.... Tick-tock, tick-tock. It just keeps going, doesn't it?

First of all, I just read a great post on the Flying Solo website. I suggest you read it, too.

Second, we had a fantastic unit meeting last night. It's not just me saying that either:

"Unit Meeting today was great to get me motivated and excited. Some fantastic ideas were discussed, too. Thanks!"
See? Not just me. :)

Third, I'll just let you know what I'm up to for this last push in January.
  • Sent reminder notes via snail mail to my guests for Experience the Difference.
  • Wrote emails to all my clients who have purchased the Thai Pillar Sleeves or anything in White Gardenia Truffle.
  • Getting ready for three shows (stamping catalogues, preparing six host packs etc.).
  • Calling people who's Candle Connection email bounced to confirm email address.
  • Sending packs to all of my February hosts.
  • Setting up my February home show for Saturday, February 27th 12:00-2:00
This list of things will take me a few hours. Probably three if I'm focused. I will finish all of them before the end of Friday. Make it a great day! WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader Check out my other blog:

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22 - A Video Blog

Hi. Here's a Video Blog for your entertainment. I'm sorry if the audio and video aren't synchronised... I'm working on it.

Personal Commercial

Do you have a personal commercial? Even if you do have one, you might want to revisit it and really think about it. Why did you join PartyLite? What do you love about PartyLite? Why are you having success? Here's mine - revamped and revised - but all true.

I joined PartyLite because I had been to so many shows that I knew the presentation upside-down and inside-out. I was busy working a full time job already, but our cash flow was poor and we definitely could use some more money coming in. I had no intention of making PartyLite into a career... but I did. Here I am almost 5 years later and I absolutely love being a candle lady. PartyLite supports me with so of the things I need to run my business and I get to focus on my clients. Personally, I have the time to play my guitar, walk my dogs, see my friends, write and travel. Nowadays many people are time poor... well, I’m time rich, and I love it. My formula for success is not a secret; I make calls, I listen to people, and I manage my calendar like a crazy woman. Setting and achieving big goals for my business, my holidays, my home, and my family makes it all worthwhile.
Make it a great day! WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21 - Being Proactive

Today I ran out of tickets for the upcoming (sold out) Sydney "Experience the Difference" Roadshow. The people I've invited are incredibly happy. I wish I had 20 more tickets. Maybe 30 more.

As an Independent PartyLite Consultant, it is my job to buy my tickets for my clients. It's my job to call my clients and invite them to the event with enthusiasm. It's my job to order new literature and new fragrance pots. I make calls. I meet new people. I am proactive.

Yesterday I sent out an email invitation to my home show. I have had a fantastic response. I have over $300 in orders already. Today I called more Rainbows to talk about 2010. Tonight I have a show. I am really looking forward to it because the host told me yesterday that she is excited.

Do you have a "should do" list in your head or a "to do" list on paper?

Are you being proactive about your candle business?

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18 - Monday Monday

Hi! Hope you had a great weekend. I've talked to a few Rainbows over the past few days and I'm really excited about your plans for 2010. It's exciting to have goals and work towards them.

My business? Well, today I'll be submitting 2 shows from the weekend, sending out 4 host packs for new bookings, calling 10 clients about the soon to be discontinued Thai Pillar Sleeves, and continuing my calls with Rainbows. I'm also going to send out an invitation to my Saturday afternoon home show. (You're invited to come, too - I'll have a table filled with old stock available at at least 50% off. Write me if you want the details.)

My life? I'm going to take my Golden Retriever for a walk around the bay, practice my guitar, and see Avatar in 3D.

Make it a great day. Do you have a to do list?

P.S. This morning, I posted on Profitable Party Plan - I think you'll like it and I'd LOVE your comments.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15 - Halfway to February

Hi. The month is half way done. I've just looked at my goals for the month and realise that even with this daily dose of reality to motivate me, I still have a lot of work to do. Best get to it!

Dates for 2010

Yesterday I looked on the CBC to see if training dates have been published for 2010. They have. So here is a summary for my Sydney and Brisbane area teams. (Sorry, no ACT or Gold Coast workshops are available. It's definitely worth the drive to attend these workshops; so by planning ahead, I'm sure you can make it.) There are lots of other markets, so check the CBC Events tab if you are elsewhere in Australia.

Sydney Consultant Workshops - 7:00-9:30pm - location TBA
  • March 24th
  • May 19th
  • September 15th
  • November 24th
Brisbane Consultant Workshops - 7:00-9:30pm - location TBA
  • March 22nd
  • May 17th
  • November 22nd
Just a reminder that our Regional and Unit Meeting dates for the year have already been published here. I hope they are already in your diary. :)

Make it a great day! WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader Check out my other blog:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14 - A Virtual Show

Hi. Yesterday was successful. I booked a show in February. I also got this brand new computer. Thank goodness! Six days without my computer was painful. It's easy to do when I'm on vacation, but not in a month where I have daily goals to achieve!

Today I am going to practice my guitar, meet up with three consultants, and host a virtual show.

You see, I had a show scheduled, but it is one of the shows that has postponed. So I'm going to use that time to make calls. From 7:00 to 8:30 I'll be on the phone with clients who have purchased the soon to be discontinued White Gardenia Truffle votives (do you know how easy it is to look that up on the CBC - check it out or ask me how). Make that call!

You know how I'm not on Facebook anymore (Why I Quit Facebook)? Well, one of my readers (it's so good to know that you're out there!) sent me a good idea. You can post a link to this blog on your Facebook page if you want to share the love. You don't have to... remember that I do this blog mostly to get my head straight and to document information and ideas for my unit. But if you think others will enjoy... feel free to share.

OK - coffee - then guitar. Ready, set, GO!

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13 - Proud

One of the things that has changed for me since I started selling PartyLite is that I've become proud of myself, my business, and my lifestyle. I'll admit, at first I was a little bit (or maybe a lot) embarrassed to tell people about what I do. I certainly didn't bring it up in conversations when I met new people. At shows, I'd make sure the guests knew it was a part time thing I did on the side of my real job. I'd even downplay the reason why I started. "Oh, I just thought I'd give it a go."

What a horrible way to start.

Imagine if I'd decided to start for all the right reasons and been proud of that decision from the start. Imagine if I had the power, the strength, and the confidence to say, "I've just started a PartyLite candle business and I'm excited to share it with you." Imagine if I had read more books about how a network marketing business works and how I could make it successful. Imagine what the power of pride would have given my business from the start.

Be proud of what you do. Part time or full time, this little business you have is filled with women (and a few men) who love candles, who enjoy sharing how people can have the most beautiful homes, and who actually make money out of party plan whether they do one show a month or ten.

I'm proud of this business of mine. The day that happened, everything changed.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11 - Reality

When you are in a room surrounded by PartyLite leaders, you catch a fever. A good fever. One where you know everyone is winning. Everyone has a success story. Everyone has a passion for what we do. Everyone is striving for the same thing.

It's a warped reality.

When you leave, you want that fever to continue. You want your family to catch it. You want your friends to feel it. You want your hosts to believe in it. And you see the potential for infection in almost every one you meet.

Well, I'm back in reality. And in the real world I now just need to apply what I've learned without the rest of the world wanting to put me into a quarantine (or a straight-jacket).

I can do it.

OK - just a little bit of information about what I did today.
  1. I looked at iMac computers to see if I should buy one. I decided not to go with the iMac, and instead I am buying a new laptop. Why? Because while I was a Summit, our home PC died. (Yes, everything is backed up. Phew!)
  2. I contacted everyone who has left me messages over the weekend. Three shows have now converted from physical shows to book shows. Another has been cancelled altogether, but I have made a commitment to make it into a book show anyway. I am sure that the people in that circle will love getting a call from me.
  3. I submitted a $552 show sent to me over the weekend. This is the third year in a row this lady has taken advantage of the Magic Tealight promotion. She is addicted. I love her.
  4. I made appointments with a few Rainbows. (Just so you know, I will be calling each Rainbow in January to make sure I understand your goals for 2010. Whether your goals are small or grand, I want to understand them so that I can support you.)
  5. I delivered an order to a lady who ordered from a home show in December. She had left the country before the order arrived. She is happy.
  6. I looked up my Sponsoring statistics for the first half this year (Recognition YTD). I was awarded a certificate at Summit for achieving the halfway mark for Sponsorning Excellence Level 1. However, I was pretty sure I did not have the six consultants qualified. I was right. The certificate was not earned and I'll give it back. (I now want to achieve the Sponsorning Excellence Level 1 even more.)
  7. I sent three host packs out.
So I had to borrow computers to accomplish a lot of this, but I made it happen.

Tomorrow is another day and I'm excited to make calls. In the morning, I'm going to revisit my big to do list for the month and make sure I'm on track.

Hey... if you've been inspired by these posts, why not share a few words with the rest of us? Click here to go to the site and leave a comment. It'd be nice to know if all y'all are out there. Anyone? :) WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader Check out my other blog:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10 - Home Sweet Home

Wow. What a fantastic weekend. The Leader Summit was a great event. I have a new catalogue now, I've seen all the new products, I've been trained, motivated, wined, and dined. It's time for some sleep.

Tomorrow is another day. I will revisit my to do list, look at the notes I took over the past couple of days, and recalibrate. I hope you had a fantastic weekend, too. Good night! WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9 - I've Got a Feeling

On Thursday, I woke up at 6:00, packed my bags, and jetted off to Melbourne with Ange and Nicole. We decided to arrive a day early for the Leader Summit so that we could take advantage of the Melbourne shopping. We had a brilliant day.

On Friday, we woke, had breakfast, had pedicures, manicures and facials, and then did a little more shopping. We made it to the Melbourne Hilton with only 15 minutes to spare before Summit began at 2:00.

I won't give you a play by play here and now. The event has been wonderful, action-packed, and inspirational. I am so proud to do what I do. I'm proud to have made this social network of clients, hosts, consultants, leaders, and friends into my chosen career. I am motivated to enjoy the ride and take every day as it comes.

But I've gotta go. We're on a coffee break for morning tea and have a full day of activities. I will have time to write again tomorrow once I get home. I'll have lots to tell you.

Watch the video below and see if it makes you happy. I just love it. And I've got a feeling that today's going to be a good day, tonight's going to be a good night, and 2010 is going to be a great year. Make it so! WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6 - A Few Humble Suggestions

How can you kick start your business in 2010?

I just watched a video with 3 simple suggestions. (1) Call your clients and friends and ask them for some referrals. (2) Contact someone you look up to in your business and ask her to mentor you. (3) Invite a friend to come to a show with you and get some feedback from her about how your proesentation can be improved. I think those are pretty good ideas.

I also think that you could use some personal motivation. This daily dose of me might be enough, but, you might need a few different perspectives. So go get yourself a book or two. I can suggest one that will be quick to read and will help you think about this business as a business: The Skinny On Direct Sales. Another one I strongly recommend is Mary Christensen's Be a Network Marketing Superstar.

And finally, two events that I can't recommend highly enough are:
  • Experience the Difference Roadshow
    Sydney - Monday, February 1
    Brisbane - Wednesday, February 3
    Other capital cities as applicable
    Tickets available from PartyLite Consultants (order form here)

  • Mary Christensen in Australia
    Sydney - February 11
    Melbourne - February 22
    Brisbane - February 24
    Tickets available from the DSWA (click here)
Wendy Lloyd Curley - Independent PartyLite Consultant and Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5 - Yes, Really... Start the Month this Week

Hi. Just in case you haven't been to this website before, I usually don't write in it everyday. I just decided that it might be a good idea to motivate myself (and maybe my unit) by sharing my daily activities in January 2010.

Following up with clients early this month is paying off. I've had cancellations, people change to book parties (which means I can do another show on those dates), and I've also revved up a few people. These are all good things. Better for me to deal with them now and adjust my strategies accordingly.

I've just found a cool website where I can upload pdf documents and share them easily. I've uploaded the discontinued items there. I hate sending files in emails when I can send a link to a file instead. You can use these links too. Here they are:

Last chance to buy some of your favourites in January!
Click here to see the PartyLite Everyday 2009 Products Being Retired
Click here to see the PartyLite Summer/Holiday 2009 Products Being Retired

But please don't think that sending that list will get her attention all by itself. If you are going to send out the lists, you should also Make that Call to follow-up. Just let her know that you sent the list as a courtesy because some really nice items are being phased out and you don't want her to be disappointed later.

This morning I'm training a new consultant over the phone. This afternoon/evening, I'm going to make some more phone calls. Yes, Wendy... Make that Call!

What's on your to do list?

Make it a great day. WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - PartyLite Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4 - Like a Tortoise

The best thing about working for myself as a candle lady is that I do have time to do things.

Like go to the post office.

Today I posted 4 packs to hosts. This afternoon I called each one to ask if she would like to have some order forms for outside orders. It was a gentle reminder about her show, a nice reminder about the Magic Tealight promotion and the $550 target, and a non-pushy reason to make contact.

I also posted out the tickets to the 3 confirmed ladies who are accompanying me to the Experience the Difference night.

I am not working at my normal speed yet... I'm more the tortoise than the hare. But that's ok. We all know that the tortoise finishes eventually. He takes one step at a time and gets to the finish line. So these little things I'm doing now are my steps toward my goals. It really is just a matter of changing the inertia.

I am excited about Leader Summit this weekend in Melbourne. I'm sure seeing the new catalogue and being surrounded by other leaders will ignite my fuse again. The hare finishes the race too, you know. :)

Ah-deeb-a-deeb-a-deeb-a, that's all folks! WLC.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - PartyLite Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3 - Cancellation and Phone Inertia

This morning I got the call... my host only had two people coming and didn't want to waste my time or hers. I chatted with her for a few minutes and offered to come anyway, to have a more casual chat with her and her guests, buy she decided to just not go ahead. She felt pretty bad cancelling at the last minute.

You want to know what I did?

I invited her to come to the product launch. She brightened. She is going to check with a friend of hers (another great client of mine) and see if they can come together. It made me feel good and I hope it helped make her feel better.
Be empathetic to what it feels like to invite people over and have them all be too busy to come. 
Postponements and cancellations mean that I have an afternoon available to Make That Call. 
Inertia: the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest, or an object in motion to remain in motion.
Phone Inertia: the tendency for Wendy to not make any client phone calls, or for Wendy to get on a roll and make lots of client calls.
Phone Inertia makes it hard to start. But Phone Inertia also makes it hard to stop once I get going. I'm going to make 5 calls right now....

...Wow! Inertia. I made more than 5 calls, I made 8. I now have three confirmed VIPs coming with me to the Crowne Plaza on February 1 (wish I had more tickets). I left a few messages. I've prepared a pack for one client who wants to exchange a product, but doesn't have a catalogue. I've also decided that I will host my first ever Saturday home show this month. I'll do it as an open house on the 23rd.

OK - I'll fully admit that it was hard to start. I even though about getting up from the desk and getting a coffee first, but realised that I was just procrastinating. Once I got started, I just kept going. What made me stop? Well, I need to get ready for a gig this afternoon. So I'm off to get ready for that.

Hope you're having a great weekend. WLC.

P.S. FYI - Including writing this, that was a total of 1 hour work on a Sunday.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - PartyLite Senior Unit Leader
Check out my other blog:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2 - It's the Little Things

Hi. Today is a busy one, filled with a family BBQ, 3 hours of singing and guitar playing in a pub, and a dinner out with friends. So I don't have time for much, but I do have things to do.

Get ready for my show tomorrow. I already called my host Thursday to confirm. She doesn't have many coming, but it's all still a go. I'm going to stamp catalogues, check my kit, and prepare my mobile office (order forms, New Consultant Agreements, laminated specials, etc.). If I do it now, I won't worry about it tonight and I'll sleep better.

Be ready for today. Bookings are everywhere, so I'm also going to pop 4 tealight gifts into my purse and replenish my business cards in my wallet. I'm bound to meet a few people who ask me what I do.

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Expert in Profitable Party Planning

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1 - Clean and To Do

Happy New Year. I've decided to blog a little bit each day this month to let you know what I've done for my business. To be honest, I'm also doing it to monitor myself. You know how, when you are in an ethical dilemma, you are told to consider what you would do if your parents were watching. Or to consider what the headline would be if an article was written about what you've done. Well... I'm going to write the article myself. Let's see if I'm proud of the headlines.

January 1 - I gave myself only two tasks today. First, to clean up my office. I think I've done a pretty good job on that one. Second, to write a to do list. I've done that with small tasks, but I think here is a good place to document what I want to achieve this month.
  1. Complete my 2009 tax preparation and submit to accountant
  2. Finalise my public speaking brochure and develop a marketing plan for that
  3. Practice or play my guitar 1 hour per day
  4. Exercise 3 times per week and find a yoga class nearby
  5. Keep my office clean
  6. Confirm 15 people to attend the Experience the Difference event on February 1
  7. Book February completely (I only have 11 days to do shows in February, so I need to get them filled)
  8. Schedule 2 latte appointments each week
  9. Attend Leader Summit in Melbourne (January 8-10)
  10. Make 50 client calls each week (use the discontinued list to develop a list of who to call)
  11. Help each of the Rainbows to establish her 4 month business plan before month end
  12. Host a fantastic Unit Meeting on Wednesday, January 27th
  13. Celebrate my 21st wedding anniversary
  14. Use my Outlook Calendar to achieve more
  15. Host the first monthly Rainbow Bonus Earners lunch on Monday, January 18th

Cool. So that's the big list. I'll use it to guide me in my activities each day and at the end of each week, I'll check it to see if I'm on track or not. You'll get to watch my progress on this blog. Hopefully this will inspire you to set your own goals and to do the activities necessary to achieve them.

One last thing.... As I was cleaning my office this afternoon, I came across a very good quote. Thought I'd share it:
The seeker goes to the mountain top and asks the learned one:
"Where does wisdom come from?"
"Good judgment."
"Where does good judgment come from?"
"Where does experience come from?"
"Bad judgment."
                           ~ Old Sufi Story, Dr Pierre Mornell, Psychiatrist and Author

Wendy Lloyd Curley - Expert in Profitable Party Planning
Photo credit: Fatal Cleopatra